Welcome to a new arbitrary year. 2024

This year, I'll be posting a photo here once a week, every week. That's 52 weeks of the year 2024. I worked hard on one of these projects a few years ago and then halfway through the year my website got a virus, somehow. So I had to take down the website. The host was not very helpful either. So we're back for a new project. The question is, whether I post one type of photo (i.e. portraits, street or event photos) or keep the topic open.

Why am I doing this? A bit of a challenge and keep pushing myself to get out there an explore places and meet people. I remember this being quite a challenge last time I did this. I'm also keeping this challenge light, so not feel like I need to get the best shot ever but also to try something a bit different on each shot, if possible.

Last year, I worked hard to get some projects which brought in more clients who required event photography and portraits. This website was part of the momentum, to really showcase the best of my event photography, portrait photography, street photography and concert photography work.

Let me know what you think. Follow me on this journey.

If you'd like to work on a photo with me one week, feel free to drop me a message via Instagram @bimalt or via my contact form.